Chart of the Week

NDR: Slow Services Growth

Global services activity continued to grow at a snail’s pace in November, as the PMI crept up 0.2 points to 50.6, well below an average of 55 in Q2 of this year and the long-term average of 53.6....

In The News

NDR: Ed Clissold on CNBC

In the News: Check out Ed Clissold's latest interview on CNBC. Ed remarks that recession isn't off the table, but Fed's rhetoric change is a positive sign. To watch the entire interview, click here....

In The News

NDR: Don't Neglect Long-Term Drivers

Global Investment Solutions Head Brian Sanborn cautions against investors trying to "neglect the long-term drivers of stock returns," just because of recent volatility.

Chart of the Week

NDR: What happened to the delinquency rate?

The consumer delinquency rate jumped 16 basis points, the most since Q2 2009, to 2.53% -- the highest since Q1 2013. It was the eighth straight quarterly rise. Clearly some consumers are struggling...

See the Signals

NDR: See the Signals, Episode 4

In this episode, NDR's Chief Economist Alejandra Grindal contrasts the economic divergence between China and India. Near-term, China’s economy is slowing after a short-lived pandemic reopening...

Chart of the Week

NDR: Earnings-driven strength supports soft landing scenario

Since last month’s yield downturn several of NDR’s daily sentiment gauges have reversed higher from pessimistic extremes. Suggesting bond investors have regained confidence that yields will remain...

In The News

NDR:  Still thinking about a  year-end  rally...

Ed Clissold, Chief U.S. strategist at Ned Davis Research, recently joined BNN Bloomberg to give his view on markets, including opinions offering support for a positive finish to the year. “Going into...

Chart of the Week

NDR: Bad Octobers usually followed by strength in S&P 500

Was the October weakness a warning that favorable Nov-Dec seasonal tendencies won’t hold up this year? Tim Hayes, NDR’s Chief Investment Strategist, studied October declines of -2% or more in the S&P...

In The News

NDR: Tim Hayes on AusBiz

Last week Tim Hayes, Chief Global Investment Strategist at Ned Davis Research, joined AusBiz to discuss why a shift in bond sentiment from pessimism to optimism could stimulate a rebound in the...

Chart of the Week

NDR: The Bull Market Debate

Despite some indicator deterioration featured in recent weeks, NDR remains overweight stocks. To give clients a look at the potential other side of the debate, Ned Davis highlights that this has been...